China delaying retirement age

China is about to delay retirement age from 5-10 years to age 65.

Currently, men retired at 60 and women at 55.

It’s a big change, although details are not set yet, and gov vows a “gradual” rollout, it would still be a big change for many in the coming decades.


Looking at France, pushing 2 years up drew protest last year. And the previous change was in 2010 and was also 2 years.

So about 2 years change in 12 years for French people.


How women in China can adjust to 10 years of delay? How long it’s gonna take? If like France, it should be 60 years..

Sadly, don’t think China will wait until 2084..

And executing drastic measures is where China outperforms.


Another thing is the need for longer life expectancy.

China still has lots of room to improve in terms of healthcare and drugs, which should raise life expectancy. However, some may also argue that the work life balance, food safety, and in general environment all need to improve. To some extent, these things may have worsened vs decades ago.