MSCI China A Shares Inclusion (1): 234 -> 226 -> 236 Large-cap

One thing I found very odd when doing some research on the recent inclusion of China’s A-shares into MSCI’s indexes – there is even no easily-accessible and “readable” list…

“Lists” I saw are in the format of pictures.. not usable, considering the number of stocks are in hundreds.

(Really don’t understand why a simple list is protected… and available in uneditable form…)

And there is no consistent track of inclusion/exclusion of stocks publicly available.

Given that, I created excel lists [MSCI China A Shares List] of tickers proposed by MSCI with a history of different versions in 2018.

[For 2019 versions, please see the next post]

In this post, three versions are shared:

  1. 5/15/2018 version with 234 stocks ->
  2. 5/31/2018 version with 226 stocks (8 are removed due to reasons like suspension of trading, lack of buying opportunity, etc.) ->
  3. 8/31/2018 version with 236 stocks (10 are added)

From 1 to 2, the 8 deleted stocks are:

  • 002310 东方园林 (停牌原因)
  • 600170 上海建工 (调出沪股通标的)
  • 601390 中国中铁 (停牌原因)
  • 600369 西南证券 (调出沪股通标的)
  • 002450 ST康得新 (停牌原因)
  • 000825 太钢不锈 (停牌原因)
  • 601118 海南橡胶 (调出沪股通标的, 停牌原因)
  • 000063 中兴通讯 (停牌原因)

From 2 to 3, the 10 added stocks are:

  • 600760 中航沈飞
  • 601088 中国神华
  • 600050 中国联通
  • 600795 国电电力
  • 600346 恒力股份
  • 600406 国电南瑞
  • 000100 TCL 集团
  • 000063 中兴通讯
  • 600588 用友网络
  • 601966 玲珑轮胎