Search’s problem in China

Search is a two side product.

You need to provide that “10 blue links” to serve consumers. Hopefully consumers can find what they need (have the answer) as fast as they can (no need to go to the next 10 search results).

You also need to serve the advertisers to market or grow their business.

Baidu seems to be challenged in both ways.

Sometimes, the most up-to-date information (with details) is found in Xiaohongshu and Douyin, where users upload tons of posts and videos. User-generated content can carry much more info than official news, as official news is well controlled by gov in China. There are basically not news other than official news.

For business owners, Baidu doesn’t offer much growth. Merchants shall spend more on e-commerce sites directly (which was mainly search-driven before recommendation rose). Douyin and Xiaohongshu may help “create the desire to buy” that search can’t. Some services can be banned from making advertisement (like after-school education). For some other businesses (toB etc.) – Moutai (liquor) is a more efficient sales spending. More importantly, search results are mostly webpages; but webpages are less useful in China vs. the US – a Weibo Account and a WeChat Public Account is more useful.

This actually leads to another interesting thing – I feel independent websites are dying in China. They are not important at all. Maybe China is preferring mobile over PC due to real name, and mobile phone number is the easiest way to fulfill that requirements, but websites don’t necessarily need a mobile phone number. This topic should be explored more.