Internet Trends Report 2018 和 互联网的天花板

【推荐读物】KPCB 一年一度的 report,今年5月出的 – Internet Trends Report 2018 ,294页的看图说话


  1. 一个天花板在report中已经说明 – 互联网人口的增长极其缓慢。新手机出货量没有增加… 全球已有一半人口纳入互联网…,加上如此之大的基数,互联网人口高/新增长时代已经过去
  2. 另一个天花板是时间。虽然目前互联网用户每人所花时间还在增加,但天花板很近。一天 24 小时除去睡觉,这是铁板
  3. report中花到很多时间谈的是基于互联网的主流应用,电商、广告、共享、企业云等等。当这些应用形势脱颖而出,我们能看到它们各自的高速增长(本身这些形式 superior than others,加上头部效应)。虽然其它应用类型会被继续挤压,但受到 1&2 的限制,主流应用的天花板并不远,我们今年或近两年内会看到用户数/用户时间等数据的增长放缓(主流市场美中欧的放缓offset by 南美东南亚非洲等的增长)。
  4. 第四个天花板是用户可支配收入。随着互联网范畴内的消费占比增加,这个天花板迟早来临,但现在和未来几年内应该还是属于高增长。尤其是头部应用,虽然受3的天花板限制,但单个用户价值会增加很快。
  5. 第五个天花板或许来自政府监管。对于隐私的保护,对于一些应用的限制等。


The David Rubenstein Show

昨天看了最新一期的 The David Rubenstein Show。

这是一档采访节目,1对1访谈。David Rubenstein 是 Carlyle Group 的 co-founder 和 co-CEO。最新一期是采访 Jeff Bezos,Amazon founder and CEO。

这是一个很棒的系列,至今已经四季。之前的三季我基本都看过,在这里强烈推荐这个系列 –

这一期里很多精彩对话,这里先放这一段 –

David: Now that you own the Washington Post, sometimes there are some people  who criticize something that the Washington Post says.. and…

Jeff: I have not idea what you are talking about… [smile]

[audience applause and laugh] 也是笑出声

不由想到了之前有一期里,David Rubenstein 与 Paul Singer (Elliot founder & co-CEO) 的对话 –

David: Did you know him [Donald Trump] before he was elected as a president?

Paul: No I didn’t. I invested in his bonds a couple of times 😃😂

David: ..those were high grade bonds? 🤓

Paul: they were on the day of issue 😅

David: they later become high-yield 🙃🙃

Paul: .. and below 🙂🙂






Legalized Pot & Crazy Party 以及一股神秘的东方力量



现在加拿大有了一个新标签和一项可以渗透全球的新产业 – 大麻业

今年10月17日,加拿大 recreational use of Marijuana 将正式合法化。

大麻的医用由来已久,加州1996年成为美国第一个将 medical use of Marijuana 合法化的州。目前全美 39 个州和 Washington D.C. 都以不同方式合法化了医用大麻。

大麻的娱乐使用、大麻种植、大麻携带、大麻销售等具体规定,各州均不一。下图有简单的说明,截止 18年  8 月(原文链接)

大麻产业即将飞速发展毋庸置疑 。相关产业比如大麻饮料 – 可口可乐公司等也在积极合作研发大麻饮料 Coca-Cola Is Eyeing the Cannabis Market

大麻股飞涨也是肯定的 – TLRY 7/19 IPO price $17.00 -> 今天最高 $300 一股的成交..

短期 overvalued 的情况是肯定的。至少远期巨大的市场需要细分,需要竞争,需要 discount 回来。

还有一点值得考虑。虽然投资标的各有不同,但背后投资人的口味.. 是很类似的,甚至是一波人/钱。去年的数字货币,到之前的蔚来汽车趣头条。


Uber 和 Lyft 增加的城市交通里程数

今天读到一篇关于 uber 和 lyft 等 Transportation Network Companies (TNC) 的分析 – The New Automobility: Lyft, Uber and the Future of American Cities


  • uber 和 lyft 会增加出行所经历的里程数。逻辑大概是:假设原先自己开车距离是3公里;现在用网约车,司机在接送两单过程中会有额外的交通里程。
    • 如果原先的自驾变成网约车,将增加 58% 的里程数
    • 假设原先出行方式是20%自驾,20%打车,60%公共交通 – 转变成100%单人网约车,文中给出了增加 180% 里程数的理论模型。
    • 假设 50% 的订单是共享网约车,65%的行程共享 (以及 13% 的订单有三人及以上共享80%行程),将增加 120% 的里程数

没有惊讶是因为,uber 和 lyft 本身不会减少出行需求,反而降低私家车出行的门槛,自然会使交通里程数增加。并且,在一定程度上会增加整体出行需求


uber 和 lyft 等公司最大的环保/交通贡献应该是减少汽车保有量。通过增加车辆使用率,减少整个人类社会所需要的汽车数量。同时,车辆一直在路上跑,需要停车的时间减少,整体需要停着的车辆较少,对缓解城市停车压力很有帮助,更有效地利用城市空间


另一方面,在之前的blog也提到,这是另一个城市交通管理网络。把原先不易管理的私家车纳入整体智慧交通 (原先 google maps 等地图软件也可能做到)。


需要带着 critical thinking 来看。

Either Way, Responsible Investing Will Be Mainstream

Socially responsible investing (SRI) is not a new idea. It can be traced back to 1758 Quaker Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, where slave trade was banned, according to wikipedia. (Philadelphia was known as “Quaker City” and Quaker became Penn’s mascot later)

Some commonly recognized issues are summarized under environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG).

In the current setting, a case in point is Starbucks’ cups and straws evolution. On its way to become “green”, some important episodes include Starbucks’ plan to develop fully recyclable cups in 2008, shareholders’ proposal on its annual proxy statement since 2010, etc… This year, Starbucks announced its plan to eliminate plastic straws globally by 2020 and a $10m commitment to develop recyclable, compostable cup solution.

Another very interesting case comes from Apple, and an article I read earlier this year on Harvard Business Review named “Why an Activist Hedge Fund Cares Whether Apple’s Devices Are Bad for Kids” –

On January 6, 2017, JANA Partners, a New York–based activist hedge fund, and the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) sent a letter to Apple’s board of directors that may change the future of activist investing. Citing a substantial body of expert research, the letter stated, “We believe there is a clear need for Apple to offer parents more choices and tools to help them ensure that young consumers are using your products in an optimal manner.”

Many would think of SRI as a concept – like a concept car that is not viable – at least for now, or even as a negative factor dragging investment returns (e.g. Starbucks need to hike R&D spend and might end up with more expensive cups and straws; Young consumers spending less time on Apple will negatively impact some metrics and might result in using other technology products). However, I believe SRI will show its real benefits – in at least two cases I shall present below.

  1. Some real benefits in the long run.
    • For example, less addictive Apple products might attract better educated consumers/families, who might exhibit higher purchasing power now and in the future (when they grow up). Some real value creation is out there.
    • Another possible situation: for non-SRI, eventually, some extreme cases come up, which will lead to government/investigator intervention and might lead to new regulations that hurt the company. So, by SRI, we are lowering those risks.
  2. No tangible benefits developed.
    • But, if SRI becomes a concept that everyone knows and agrees upon, some opportunities will be artificially created. For example, some SRI-premium or discount are definitely coming.
    • If most people believe something is true, it is true (for those phenomena that are not the subject matter of natural science; investing seems to be one of them).
    • Attacking non-ESG compliant investments might be a another short strategy; and a new form of long/short investment might be created.








突然想到了经典的居里夫人.. 居里夫人之所以经典,很大程度因为她第二次获得诺贝尔奖 – 所谓“走出房子”的故事。故事的寓意还是很好的。





Apple’s Private Equity Play

private equity的主要投资行为,表面上看,就是把一个东西买过来,整一整,再卖出去。

作用在现金流充足的公司身上,PE firm可以借大量debt,买下公司,用公司的cash flow换interest和principle,捣鼓几年上市退出或者卖给其它机构等。这就是LBO (Leveraged Buyout)。

作用在real estate身上,也是很intuitive。地产本身就是有较高负债,稳定现金流属性。买来一个hotel/casino/写字楼之类,或者买一系列的项目,整体调整改善,最后打包退出。这也是blackstone明星业务之一。

在private equity里,改动了多少,保留了多少似乎不是主要的问题 – 那个是哲学家的忒修斯之船(ship of Theseus)。

下周二,苹果的三款新手机即将发布。可能分别叫iPhone XS Max, iPhone XS, iPhone XC… While apple和iphone有很多可以说的点,这跟PE有什么联系?

在我看来,trade-in iphone对于苹果来说,就是买来一个资产,更新升级一下,装上新操作系统,再卖出去。

这或许不像买一个company或者买一个hotel这么straightforward – 但think of iphone as separate and reusable modules;或者更进一步,把苹果买回去的iphone想像成各类元素(金属,非金属)。就像real estate PE里,最里层的,就是那一块空间的exclusivity。

所以新买来的iphone或许不是trade in给apple的iphone,但理论上,you are getting a set of similar metal/non-metal elements。

It’s a good business.

Synthetic Biology and Microbes

分享一篇New York Times的文章

Scientists Are Retooling Bacteria to Cure Disease

synthetic biology + microbes -> a novel class of medicine

随着人类对于微生物(组)在自己体内作用的理解更为深入,对于DNA engineering运用愈加熟练,这一天已经很近了。

在以后的历史书上,或许会记录下2010s是标志性的起点 – 我们掌握了CAR-T,把自己的T细胞engineer作为药物。在我看来,人类体内的微生物抑或是T细胞,本就已经是不可分割的部分,从某种角度来说,engineered microbes和engineered T-cells很是相似。

有一点区别,目前的CAR-T是自体的,需要病人提供自己的T细胞;而engineered microbes完全off-the-shelf;未来我相信会解决异体CAR-T的问题,但至少现在来说,这一点engineered microbes更有药物属性 – a difference between therapies and medicines。

未来或许会发展出一种从超市直接买的 – 营养品/保健品 or 饮料…

anyway,这是biotech/life science无比sexy的十年,在我眼里。


文中提到,”You can’t overestimate the impact of the microbiome work” – Then you cant’ overestimate the impact of a mix of engineered microbes。祝福相关公司,感谢所有推进人类进程、拓宽人类边界的努力。荣幸。

Argentina and International Lending

以阿根廷为代表的新兴国家市场的货币危机这几周愈演愈烈,阿根廷8月30日把benchmark interest rate从45%提高至60%来defend货币贬值。从4月到现在相对于美元贬值了接近一半。

from Bloomberg –

碰巧,最近在读索罗斯的The Alchemy of Finance(还没有读完),觉得很多dots可以connect起来;international banking也只是近50年的事(1970s是boom的开始);在这里放一些书中节选(目前读到第五章),international lending相关:

  • Flush with funds, they(指banks) became aggressive lenders, and they found plenty of takers. Less developed countries without oil sought to finance their deficits by running up large debts; those with oil embarked on ambitious expansion programs, which they financed by borrowing on the strength of their oil reserves
  • It is amazing how little information borrowing countries had to supply in order to obtain loans. Lending banks did not even know how much money the countries in question were borrowing elsewhere.
  • Debtor countries preferred to deal with commercial banks rather than go to the International Monetary Fund when they were in balance-of-payments difficulties. Unwittingly, commercial banks took over one of the functions that the Bretton Woods institutions – the IMF and the World Bank – had been designed to fulfill
  • In retrospect it is obvious that the borrowers spent the money unwisely. At best they built white elephants like the Itaipu Dam in Brazil; at worst they spent it on armaments or used it to maintain unrealistically high exchange rates as in the “southern cone” countries of Argentina and Chile
  • The boom kept the demand for energy growing. The OPEC countries grew richer and less in need of current income, while negative real interest rates made it more attractive to keep oil in the ground than cash in the bank. This provided the setting in which the disruption of Iranian production in 1979 caused a second crisis and a second jump in the price of oil. This time the response was different. Inflation had become a dominant concern


另外,一个responsible lender不应该硬塞大量钱给没有准备好的人/国家。


P.S. 将新开一个关于书的section









在我看来,它更像是an effective way to reach原先还没有适应移动互联网生活的中国用户,大多可能在3-5线城镇。它是放到这类3亿用户面前的广告牌和购物杂志。它的revenue,在于marketing & ads。

它可能还有其它的一些战略价值,比如对于腾讯,拼多多展示了小程序的威力。但我是觉得,拼多多真正的价值,对于社会,可能是将这一批人纳入了新经济体系。It’s all about being connected. 电商是新经济体系中很重要的一个环节,拼多多似乎可以扛起这个重任。或许未来拼多多是一个被遗忘的app,但它确实让一大批人更加融入新的经济形态。
