Enron – not alone

Recently finished the book The Smartest Guy In The Room.

Shockingly, you could find many of Enron’s problems in other industries in China during the go-go era (property):

1/ focus on doing projects/deals with early monetization. less focus on the real economics over the entire horizon

2/ lots of off balance sheet financing

3/ weak audit; can’t put a check on mgmt

4/ mgmt takes more early profits out, with potential conflict of interests in the form of SPV, etc.

It’s also similar in WeWork!

The same playbook. Remember that Adam Neumann owns some buildings WeWork leases.

No need to be Buffett

Most people think Buffett’s investment skills are GOAT.

They try to replicate but it’s extremely hard.

Actually, even if people can invest like Buffett, they can’t replicate his success. There are other contributors that are less obvious.

  1. most people don’t have low-cost capital. Your margin account is priced at above prime rate.
  2. most people don’t have more bullets each year, as Buffett’s insurance business (float) is growing each year giving him more money to invest and add to his positions. Thus, when he can buyout the company if needed, most other people can’t.
  3. most people don’t have access to mgmt. When you are Buffett, other people offer you the information in a very accessible manner. And if you are big enough, you become a board member.
  4. most people don’t have enough tax knowledge. Buffett is obsessed with lowering tax legally.


[Reading Buffett] 1997

Be happy about lower stock prices, as you are a net saver & investor!

Oh USAir stock can be up like crazy? From $4 to $73!

S&P Index is Buffett’s biggest competitor, and it doesn’t have double tax – Berkshire needs to pay tax on the corporate level for gains or dividends.

[Reading Buffett] 1995

Berkshire’s competitive advantages explained: 1) massive capital to absorb big losses, 2) embracing uncertainty/volatility for higher return (no mistake calculation).

Buffett talked about difficulties faced by Buffalo News, World Book, etc., which is likely due to this paradigm shift towards online.

Berkshire shall create Class B shares in 1996, with 1/30 of economic interests and 1/200 of votes of Class A.

[Reading Buffett] 1994

When doing capital allocations, managers should focus on increasing intrinsic value per share –  however, “in contemplating business mergers and acquisitions, many managers tend to focus on whether the transaction is immediately dilutive or anti-dilutive to earnings per share.”

Besides, major acquisitions can be “a bonanza for the shareholders of the acquiree; they increase the income and status of the acquirer’s management; and they are a honey pot for the investment bankers and other professionals on both sides.”

Option rewards for managers and return cash to shareholders can conflict.


Random thought on China’s role in US debt

Historically, China was a big buyer and still a big holder of US gov debt, which to some extent led to the ultra-low interest rate environment.

Nowadays, China is still helping keep the US interest rate low, indirectly. I think by not providing good return opportunities, China is forcing money to go to other places, indirectly providing more money (with low return alternative) in the global market for the US gov.

It’s not just impacting foreign capital interested in China, but Chinese money as well.

Alternatively, if China has attractive opportunities all over the place, it will compete for global money one way or another.

[Reading Buffett] 1992

Buffett 2.0 – ” buying good businesses at fair prices rather than fair businesses at good prices”.

Value investing is not low multiples.. And high multiples could also be value investing.

Warren Buffett noted that investments in the secondary market have generally performed better due to periodic market inefficiencies offering bargains, unlike the new-issue market, where sellers rarely underprice their offerings.

There was an important change to accounting – companies must now recognize the present value of liabilities for post-retirement health benefits, increasing balance-sheet liabilities and reducing net worth.

Another important reminder – stock options are real expenses.