First Blackhole Picture And Copyright?

One big confirmation of our knowledge about the universe – the first picture of blackhole due to gravity is available.

target was a nearby galaxy dubbed M87 and its supermassive black hole, which packs the mass of six and half billion suns. Despite its size, the black hole is so far from Earth – 53 million light-years – that capturing the image took a telescope the size of the planet.

Meanwhile, a firm in China claimed the copyright of this picture and tried to charge fees for it.

The firm, called Visual China, is China’s largest stock images provider.

It shut its website and apologized on Friday after it falsely claimed copyright of images such as the first photo of a black hole and China’s national flag. [Reuters]

It is a time that China is doing more to protect intellectual property but company in this is embarrassing. It’s definitely not a representation of the “highest” level of IP protection in China, but it does show us that a lot of work needs to be done.