The David Rubenstein Show

昨天看了最新一期的 The David Rubenstein Show。

这是一档采访节目,1对1访谈。David Rubenstein 是 Carlyle Group 的 co-founder 和 co-CEO。最新一期是采访 Jeff Bezos,Amazon founder and CEO。

这是一个很棒的系列,至今已经四季。之前的三季我基本都看过,在这里强烈推荐这个系列 –

这一期里很多精彩对话,这里先放这一段 –

David: Now that you own the Washington Post, sometimes there are some people  who criticize something that the Washington Post says.. and…

Jeff: I have not idea what you are talking about… [smile]

[audience applause and laugh] 也是笑出声

不由想到了之前有一期里,David Rubenstein 与 Paul Singer (Elliot founder & co-CEO) 的对话 –

David: Did you know him [Donald Trump] before he was elected as a president?

Paul: No I didn’t. I invested in his bonds a couple of times 😃😂

David: ..those were high grade bonds? 🤓

Paul: they were on the day of issue 😅

David: they later become high-yield 🙃🙃

Paul: .. and below 🙂🙂



